Monday, July 20, 2009


Jason recieved the Aaronic Priestrhood on Sunday. His Grandfather, Buddy ordained him. Those who stood in were Larry Colson, Dan Gardner, Bishop Sorenson, Mike Laberge, and Brother Clifford, Good job Jason! You are an example to me, your family and your friends. We love you!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Scout Camp

Jason just returned from a scout camp in the Gila. He spent 6 days in the wilderness. Jason had a total blast. The requirement of sleeping in a man made shelter without a sleeping bag did not go to well. He lasted til about 3am then had to get in his sleeping bag. These are great memories!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Happy Birthday George!!

George is the big 2 now. Here are some pics of the evening.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

We went to the Isotopes game to watch the return of Manney Rameriz. This photo was taken by a guy from the L.A Times. I was sitting next to him when he took this picture. It was a great time. Thanks to Matt, Adin, Alec, Ray and Reneya for hanhing out with Jason, Sariah and I

Monday, June 15, 2009

Recent pictures of the kids

Here are some pictures of the kids!

Time at grandad's and grandma's

Sariah left for the ranch on Sunday. She was so ready to spend some time with G and G. We will miss her!! She is such a good girl. Always willing to help with George. She is his second mama. We love you Sariah and appreciate all you do. See you in a week.

Tournament for Thomas

Thomas wrapped up his baseball season on Saturday. It was a double elimination tourney. He got his first trophie!! Good job Thomas! I forgot my camera so I did not get any pictures.